Scott Fybush
Mon Aug 9 01:05:32 EDT 2004

At 12:53 AM 8/9/2004 -0400, A. Joseph Ross wrote:
>On 9 Aug 2004 at 0:23, Scott Fybush wrote:
> > The days of CHOM being bilingual are gone - the CRTC won't allow that
> > anymore
>I can't understand why not.  I would have assumed that bilingualism was 
>what they would
>want to encourage.

Nope - the English and French radio markets are regulated these days as if 
they're two separate entities, more or less (as indeed they are), and 
allowing languages to be mixed on the air would complicate the CRTC's 
regulatory mission. Or at least that's how they defend the policy...


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