Dem., Kerry lawyers try to squelch anti-Kerry ad

Wayne Carter
Fri Aug 6 19:20:30 EDT 2004

	I am a relative youngster, only 48, so will some of the more 
seasoned listers please enlighten me...

	Were the broadcast outlets as geared towards specific 
"agendas" in the days of Murrow? I had always wished to see 
broadcasting news done as news, not with a decided right or left 

	Just a question from a mere child...

	Wayne Carter

>At 04:39 PM 8/6/2004, Douglas J. Broda wrote:
>>If I am true to myself (a basically moderate Democrat who believes 
>>that free speech is the heartbeat of America), I must insist that 
>>the means for addressing inaccuracies in a political ad is not to 
>>squelch speech, but rather to prove its inaccuracy, even if there 
>>is a cost to a particular candidate I would badly prefer to see 
>>prevail over his opponent.
>In theory, that's great.  In practice, the media often will not 
>cover the rebuttal, so only one side gets heard.
>Larry Weil
>Lake Wobegone, NH

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