How about...Air America on college radio?

Bob Nelson
Sun Apr 25 13:02:28 EDT 2004

Air America is having trouble getting in markets like
Boston. They do have some money to throw around, here's an idea. Have them approach one or
several of the college stations in town and offer to
have one or more AA shows carried "for free". (Or PAY
the college stations to run Franken.) Since college
stations can't run commercials, either AA 
or the stations themselves can fill ad breaks with
promos, PSAs, or advocacy announcements from groups
like and PETA. Rich liberals like George 
Soros can bankroll this (and provide satellite dishes
if needed). The message is what counts, not making
money, right? 

Some college stations might have no problem putting
this on, as they might already air "Democracy Now!" or
shows like "Counter Spin" and "Radio Nation". 
A few might have open slots in the afternoon (hey,
student DJs are in class and it beats dead air). Of
course in some places the student DJs may revolt if it
involves them losing existing shows (kind of like what
happened at WUML once the Lowell Sun moved in). but...

Mr. Franken? Ms. Garofolo? The mighty 130 watt signal
of WMWM awaits you! :) 

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