WAAF Worcest..errr... Westborough!

Paul Anderson paulranderson@charter.net
Sat Nov 15 12:58:14 EST 2003

On Nov 15, 2003, at 12:05 AM, Fitzpatrick, Mike wrote:

> The FCC has approved WAAF's change in City of License from Worcester 
> to Westborough.

How silly and how sad.  WAAF Westborough?  Will they start covering 
Westborough town politics now?  If not, it shows how silly having a COL 
is.  And how sad that WAAF, a station that once alternately took pride 
in, and made fun of, Worcester, now ignores their audience outside of 
Boston.  At one time, they showed up in six books, didn't they?  
Worcester, Boston, Providence, Hartford, Springfield,...


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