NH, VT Public Radio applaud $200 million gift from McDonalds widow

Brian Vita brian_vita@cssinc.com
Sat Nov 8 14:46:37 EST 2003

> > Think that there's any chance that NPR will turn down their welfare 
> > check from Uncle Sam this year (or at least part of it) 
> since they got 
> > the big donation and let some other government agency 
> squander 
> > the money instead?
> > 
> > Brian T. Vita, President
> Ah yes, the obligatory smartass remark about public radio 
> funding from Brian.  Wouldn't be an NPR thread without it.
> Jeez, Brian...people have been smacked down by the facts on 
> public radio funding vs. corporate welfare so many times I'd 
> think you all would've have learned by now.

They are a non-profit entity that receives a portion of their funding from
taxpayers.  They compete in the same marketplace for the same advertising
dollars as commercial stations only under the veil of donorships.  I've been
told that in many markets, they have similar looking rate cards to their
non-commercial brethren.  They have the ability to accept tax deductible
donations from businesses and individuals while still suckling off of the
governments teat. This is not exactly fair treatment under the law.  All
while spouting a left wing agenda.  Shall I continue?


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