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Re: Reilly Attempting To Be A Factor In WEEI Flap

Actually, WILD has a couple of locally-produced shows on Sunday. I haven't
heard anything that could be considered as offensive as what Dennis and
Callahan said. However, if he is talking about material broadcast on
stations with "black" programming, such as 'JMN or something, he might have
a case.
Lastly, when Brother R.A., the former host of Black Talk Radio on WMBR, went
off on "Jews" on his show, he was quickly chastised and later, kicked off
the air even though he apologized. I don't understand why commercial
stations aren't held to as high a standard as non-commercial.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Laurence Glavin" <lglavin@lycos.com>
To: <boston-radio-interest@bostonradio.org>
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2003 2:39 PM
Subject: Reilly Attempting To Be A Factor In WEEI Flap

> David states that "language" on black-owned stations can
> be just as provocative as the loony badinage aired on
> D&C.  The only black-owned stations around here are
> WILD-AM and WBOT-FM.  Neither has any locally-produced
> talk shows, so such "language" must be the DJ talk and the content
> of the recorded material I assume.
> Laurence Glavin