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Re: Rush ADMITS he is drug addict

--- gic <gary@garysicecream.com> wrote:
> Breaking news......
> Rush Limbaugh just admitted on his show that the
> rumors about his drug
> addiction are TRUE! and that he is entering rehab at
> 3pm today.

Howie Carr is talking right now about the latest Rush
Limbaugh bombshell-- 
namely, that the talk show host who precedes him on
WRKO has admitted being addicted to painkillers and
will go into rehab for the next month. Rush said he
got hooked on painkillers after spinal surgery. Two
previous attempts to shake the addiction were

Howie and his listeners have expressed reactions
ranging from support for Rush to disappointment in him
(i.e, they called him a hypocrite for saying drug 
users should go to jail, and here we have this
situation...). Some callers 
said Howie sounded a bit giddy talking about the
situation and Howie said he's sad that Rush is
addicted but "if I sound giddy, it's because it's a
big news story and I'm getting into it". Howie did say
that he didn't think Rush's lead-in to his show was
all that much, and "especially lately..." 

Some listeners said they'd never tune into Rush
again...that Rush's making fun of the likes of Ted
Kennedy's drinking habits would seem hypocritical
giving his own pill popping problems. 

I'm assuming most of Rush's affiliates will stick with
the program (as will his syndicator, Premiere
Networks, though I wonder if they'll invoke a "morals"
clause. Probably not; they would want to be seen as
"understanding" of his problems, and supportive.)