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Fwd: LTAR returns to weekly

>DATE: Fri, 05 Sep 2003 18:48:41
>From: Donna Halper <dlh@donnahalper.com>
>To: boston-radio-interest@bostonradio.org

>Bob at WJIB (who for some reason still can't post to >this list) wanted to 
>tell y'all that he is returning to doing LTAR >weekly.  If you wanna be a 
>guest host (and who wouldn't want to?) and are in >proximity to his station, 
>by all means get in touch! 

Great news, but I'm not surprised.  Bob seemed to be having too
much fun during the last show.  I assume it will be a 30-minute
show as before.  Quizzical question (a Sam Poulten phrase):
will LTAR be on a 1- or 2-week delay on WJTO so those
who are out-of-town on a given Sunday can go to the
coast for a show they miss? 

Laurence Glavin

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