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RE: FCC gives ultimatum to Radio Free Brattleboro

On 5 Sep 2003 at 16:54, Sven Franklyn Weil wrote:

> Why is the FCC going after RFB?  Simple.  RFB basically laughed and said
> "up yours"  to the FCC's face.
> Daddy Government doesn't like when you tell it to kiss your ass.  They
> come after you with everything they've got and shut you down.  Authorities
> hate scofflaws...with a VENGEANCE.  Makes 'em look bad.
Exactly.  Back during the Vietnam war, people who showed up for induction and refused to 
take the step forward that constituted induction were prosecuted in a half-hearted way and 
given light sentences.  But the guy I knew who wrote obscenities all over his selective 
service questionnaire got hard time in a Federal prison. 

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                           617.367.0468
 15 Court Square, Suite 210                 lawyer@attorneyross.com
Boston, MA 02108-2503           	         http://www.attorneyross.com