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Re: FCC gives ultimatum to Radio Free Brattleboro

>>my own humble opinion is that the only compromise be on what size ax and maul to use to smash RFB's equipment and put these bozo-brains out of business for good.  There's a legal process to follow to be a broadcast facility.  They should learn to follow it.<<

Ordinarily, I would call that too harsh a penalty, but in this case, I'm forced to agree.  They know perfectly well what the law is, as demonstrated by their words quoted in the newspaper and on the Internet.  They also know perfectly well that they are deliberately flaunting the law, and now they have been legally served with a notice that if the FCC shows up again, it will be to confiscate their equipment...the usual procedure on a second visit by the FCC to a pirate operation.

They had a chance to do things legally by getting an LPFM license, which probably would have been available in the Brattleboro area with little or no hassle, but instead they made their choice, and now must live with the consequences.

Their lawyer, OTOH, is good for a few laughs.  While spouting out some tripe about the FCC's "failure to adequately define" some term or other, and while attempting to present a "petition as license" defense, which belongs in the funny papers, he apparently hasn't read Section 301 of the Communications Act.

And these people claim to be "teaching broadcasting...."

Sid Schweiger
MIS Manager, Entercom Boston LLC