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Re: Weather guys and gals

On Wednesday, August 27, 2003, at 05:22PM, Sean Smyth <ssmyth@suscom.net> wrote:

>How many of the weather people we see on TV are truly meteorologists? And
>how many are not? When growing up and being spoonfed Channel 5's newscasts,
>I got so used to seeing the little 'ams' logo next to Dick Albert's name
>(does he look old now or what?) that I presumed all TV weatherpersons were

I think that among the women, more of them are meterologists now than were years ago.  Remember the "weather girl" in the bikini, who was just reading what was written by the real meterologist?  I don't think you see that anymore. 

Larry Weil
Lake Wobegone, NH