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Emerson College Empire Expands
A few weeks ago, the Boston Globe ran a lengthy article about
Emerson College's plans for real estate it owns in
Bostonn's Theater district. Later, there appeared a shorter
article about its plans to take over the Colonial Theater.
Now, hidden away in the FCC's applications in yesterday's
(08/25) Daily Digest was an application by Emerson's WERS
to insert a translator on 96.5 in New Bedford, MA.
Hmmm...the operator of a translator on the same frequency
died a short time ago, and vultures have been hovering
with applications for translators or LPFMs on 96.5 ever
since. I suppose the translator in Newport (repeating the
mind-numbing fare of pseudo-classical WCRB) could
co-exist with another such outlet in New Bedord; what are
the rules anyway?
Laurence Glavin
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