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Re: RIAA Strikes B.U. & M.I.T.

Aaron wrote:
>> BUT - RIAA need only to modify their subpoenas to account for the time
>> period and the colleges will likely be forced to do it.  It might take a
>> lawsuit but they'll lose eventually.

Indeed, both schools have stated they support the copyright holders'
basic position; the only reason for fighting the subpoena is to deal
with the legally-required notification time period, according to the Glob

Dan replied:
>Why don't the schools adopt policies that place limits on the amount of
>material that can be uploaded or downloaded?  [...]

Because that would block legitimate research projects.  Terabytes of data
routinely move around between universities; it would be a major PITA for
network administrators if they had to be in the business of approving
every large upload or download that takes place.

-Shawn Mamros (not a spokesperson for this account's host institution)
E-mail to: mamros@mit.edu