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Re: Kiss off Jazz

--- Brian Vita <brian_vita@cssinc.com> wrote:

> Its been a fun 3 weeks.  Ok, so the studio's in the
> dank basement of the
> student activity building without a/c.

I used to help out the program we have where we
teach 9-to-13 yr old kids how to be DJs. Hot, hot,
hot, even with fans going...

I kinda wish they could've found us a place on the
second floor, where we could at least have a view...

  This weekend
> was only about 100 down
> there and the CD decks didn't like tracking too much

Well, I've only had to put up with WMWM's equipment
follies for just over 22 years. Our theme song ought
to be "Low Budget" by the Kinks because that's what
we've got. (Sometimes we get donations of equipment
and certainly people donate their time, as I have,
but it does get discouraging...and I only hope more
people will care about the station in the future.
I, myself, have been slowly trying to head out of
the place, being more than a bit burnt out and I
want to do other things on Sundays; but I wanted to
keep the blues show going.)

I "gave" the show to Josh Hull, but he couldn't
keep doing it because he was too busy. The same
with Jack Henderson, who kept getting overtime
assignments--he's an electrician--on Sundays,
and more than a few times we either found out about
this at the last minute or he didn't even call at all.
So I'd head down to keep up going...even though
my original intention was to do OTHER things
on Sundays!

I _would_ do more to help but again I'm hoping to
leave eventually. Doing one or two shows a month
(two, tops) is OK but I hate being chained to
the place. At least I have brought aboard some
fine people to help, including Toni Lynn Washington
(nationally known blues singer), yourself, Brian;
Paul Spagnolia, Henry Bellows, and others.

And I felt bad that I had to tell people right off
that "the equipment doesn't always work and half
the lights in the record library are out and nobody
has fixed them yet". But hey, it's college radio
and I only hope some people will care...

> Seriously, I had a blast.  Working live is a bit
> different from production
> work and I enjoyed the challenge.  

Your first two shows sounded fine to me, though I was
up in Maine yesterday and missed your (Brian's) show

> What really broke my heart during the time was the
> apparent total lack of
> interest that the school and the students have for
> this radio station.
> There doesn't seem to be any support or oversight to
> its operation.  Granted
> that this signal has a very limited range but it
> still could be a very
> viable college station if there was support.

Maybe if some people band together to help...I'd
hate to see it go the way of some stations who have
actually said, "the heck with it" and turned in
their license(s). WMWM is the North Shore's only
_college_ radio station and the signal actually gets
out better than some would think (it's gotten weak
to the north thanks to WNEF, but recently I was in
Saugus just off Rt. 1 and was amazed how strong
it was, in an area where WUMB used to walk all
over us...)

Keep the faith, Brian...and keep playing that
smooth jazz!