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Boston Globe Online / City & Region / TV battle for July

Se/an Smyth writes:

>While the fidelity may blow on AM, also realize that
>WBZ is the top radio station on either band in this
>market, and the exposure the Pops people will get
>from having the show aired on 1030 (which can
>probably be heard in 2/3rds of the lower 48 by the
>time the fireworks will go off at 10ish or so)
>will be immense.

Lol...that seems like a very late 1920s early 1930s
way of doing radio. You have this one clear channel AM
and supposedly cover those 38 states, that our friends
on Solider's Field road keep boasting about.

First of all, I understand that those supposed 38
states that one can pick up WBZ are gradually
dwindling, as for the past 30 years  Uncle Charlie has
been slowly getting away from the clear channel, idea
(as I have mentioned on here many times, whole clear
channel AM idea probably became irrelevant by the

Secondly in high summer, as any AM DX'er knows,
conditions are just not optimum for AM DX, even with
BZ's 50kW flamethrower.

Third of all, Joe Lunchbucket (Mr. average radio
listener), doesn't DX WBZ, in any case. IMHO the
listeners that call Brundnoy from Wyoming at night
are probably mostly radio hobbyists.

Why does not Viacom/CBS/Infinity set it up so the
Pops broadcast is broadcast / offered to their
various FMs around the country? That would be a
better way of doing things. I realize it's likely
that the contract with Mugar and the Pops prevents
this (a networked radio broadcast).

73, de Hakim (N1ZFF)

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