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Re: A real EAS system

On Wed, 19 Mar 2003, Dan Billings wrote:

> NBC reports that in Israel they have a silent radio channel that only comes
> on when there is emergency information.  At times of crisis, like these,

Kind of reminicent of the CD markings at AM 64 and AM 1240 on your dial 
during the 50s/60s.

I wonder if Israeli-market radios have an identifier on the dial for that 
"Emergency Radio" station.

> Israelis are told to leave the radio on that channel when they go to bed and
> emergency information will be broadcast when needed  -- waking up those that
> have left the radio on.

Is the transmitter left on all the time to broadcast dead air?  Would seem
logical...if you left the radio on and tuned to an "empty channel" you'd
be getting static and scratches which would be annoying.

The transmitterat least is quiet...with the occasional "pop".  Wonder if 
there are radios 
sold there that tune in this channel and it is activated automatically, so 
the radio is really in "sleep mode" until some cue tone triggers the 
