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RE: Country music stands on the war (and radio)

Bill O'Neill wrote:

>Dan writes:
>It's one thing to go to a Joan
> > Baez concert
> > and her political statements from the stage, but most people
> > wouldn't expect
> > it at a Dixie Chicks show.
>That's the point, right there.  I can't put the right words here to
>express how LITTLE I care what this band thinks about ANYTHING that is not
>expressed through their (great) music.  Hollywood/Nashville, etc., just do 
>your jobs, punch out and go the bleep home and hug your kids.  Shut ... UP.

Agreed.  I can't personally stand the DC (and have a very low threshold of 
pain for country music in general) but this seemed like a dumb career move 
(Sinead O'Connor on SNL anyone?).  Like it or not, as Americans in a 
foreign country their actions reflect on Americans in general, and this 
action served no purpose but to tick people off.  When I go to a concert, I 
really couldn't care less about the performer's politics, lifestyle, 
etc...I'm there to see them as a performer.  Some artists (Joan Baez was 
mentioned) were very political in their music, and one would expect it in 
their show as well, but just because someone's famous doesn't make their 
opinions on anything other than their chosen craft any more relevant than 
yours or mine.

As far as stations banning their music, this appears to be in response to 
an outcry by their audience.  Isn't this what everyone on this list has 
been advocating...for stations to be more responsive to their 
listeners?  Maybe for us here in the liberal Northeast banning artists 
whose views we disagree with seems ridiculous, but keep in mind that in 
parts of the country where Country music is king people are a lot more 
conservative...it's Mom, apple pie, Chevrolet & GWB (and witness the 
hostility many on this list show towards Dr. Laura).