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Re: Country music stands on the war (and radio)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill O'Neill" <billo@shoreham.net>
To: "'Dan Billings'" <billings@suscom-maine.net>
Cc: <boston-radio-interest@bostonradio.org>
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 4:35 PM
Subject: RE: Country music stands on the war (and radio)

> Dan, Dan.  Now,that's why we like you.  By the way, I have this ground
> pepper here on the counter before me and I'm seeking to locate each
> granule of fly-poop within it.  You up to the challenge, buddy?  The beer
> is cold.

Lots of people think Cash did a lot of time in jail and I thought that you
had made that mistake.  Johnny Cash is something that I know quite a bit
about.  The other Dan knows AM patterns, I know the Man in Black.

> Even though I have not, personally, done "only a couple of nights here and
> there" in the joint, nor am I a drug addict, Johnny could be so described;
> I'll give Johnny his props that he'd been a wee more road-tested than the
> three ladies.

Johnny wrote the song when he was about 20 and in the service in Germany.
His hard living came later.

As for you, a drug addiction would explain a lot.  ;-)

-- Dan Billings, Bowdoinham, Maine