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WBOQ and the "martini format" (BRW)

This week's Boston Radio Watch talks about WBOQ
(104.9 Gloucester), which was recently sold from one
Tanger family member to another...


It refers to the station's "martini format", which
appeals to more affluent listeners, aged 35-45. I
guess this format is starting to get attention.
Recently I heard some of KLAC (570) Los Angeles
(taped by a friend in southern California), and I
think that's the same kind of format/sound.

By the way, the BRW article refers to the Simon
Geller incarnation of the station, WVCA, as being
"unlicensed". Unlicensed in what way-- was it an
outright pirate? Or a licensed station broadcasting
at an unauthorized power, or from an unauthorized