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RE: Bill O (was Art Bell)

> the Bill O'Neill formerly of the Lowell area and now living
> in exile in Canad..
> er, Vermont, may need a more unique air name, but has some very nice
> credentials, talents and comedy stylings to make him stand
> out from the pack.
> plus, his choice of bright purple flannel is always a welcome
> fashion flair.
> - -Chuck (who has worked with 2 out of 3 Bill O's) Igo

Aw, shucks Chuck.  But, the purple flannel was my attempt at cashing in
on the Barney craze that's rocking the nation.  Unfortunately, I
went-Atkins and lost 35 pounds and now resemble purple premordial ooze
in that fashionble top.  That evokes an unfortunate element of fear in
the youth demo.

Bill O'Neill