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RE: Bill O (was Art Bell)

Steve suggests:
> You obviously need a more unique air name. :-/

In fact, I'd considered changing it to "Baloney" or if you're talking
public radio, Balogna.

An Irish name up here in Vermont carries a much different effect than in
the 10 pages per phone book Boston area.

I had a back and forth with a colunmist here in Vt. who retorted, "You
may have an Irish name, but your politics are British," with the attempt
to call me an imperialist of some sort.  The closest to that is the 1961
Chrysler Imperial that my grandparents owned.  (Traded it for a
push-button Newport.)  Can't remember any time in 20 years that in Mass.
where anyone drew upon my ethnic lineage to define my point of view.

Bill O'Neill

There is a fine line between "hobby"
and "mental illness."