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Bill O (was Art Bell)

  Bill O'Neill wrote:
> > On another note: did you ever work at an AMer in NH?
>Nope.  I understand that there is n older man with the same name who is
>from Maine and did some radio, perhaps in NH.  I think he owned a record
>store of some kind.

Actually, I think there were -2- other Bill O'Neills in the area...one who 
worked at a number of N.H. stations in the early-mid 70s (incl WTSV, WKBK & 
WFEA).  I hear he's working in a family business these days and has been 
for years.  I don't think he's the same guy who worked at several stations 
in Maine (WJBQ, WCSH) and own(s/ed) the record store.

You obviously need a more unique air name. :-/