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RE: Re: Non-comm rankings

WOW! Mr Glavin, I am not a listener of WMJX, but I must say your diatribe is
uncalled for. There's always the ying and yang of popular culture vs nitche
programing, and WMJX covers the Adult AC market. In fact, I believe their
the only station in Boston Metro with that format (WZID and WHOM ot the
north, WWLI(?)(105.1-Providence is what I'm refering to) to the south.

You and I may not like it, but it is a very popular format. Now if you're
saying that WMJX doesn't do Adult AC as well as WLTW in NYC or WHOM or
someone else in the same format, well, that's fair game. But to trash the
station just because it plays Adult AC, well I would take issue with that.

The station is reaching a pretty wide audience and seems to do a pretty good
job of what there trying to do.

Paul Hopfgarten
East Derry NH 03041

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-boston-radio-interest@bostonradio.org
> [mailto:owner-boston-radio-interest@bostonradio.org]On Behalf Of
> Laurence Glavin
> Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 5:27 PM
> To: boston-radio-interest@bostonradio.org
> Subject: Fwd: Re: Non-comm rankings
> >DATE: Mon, 03 Mar 2003 23:26:22
> >From: DonKelley@aol.com
> >To: lglavin@lycos.com, boston-radio-interest@bostonradio.org
> >I posted all the numbers for the list after the last book was
> >released.  Mr. Glavin responded by insulting my station's on-air
> >product, so I decided not to bother doing it again.
> I assume you're referring to WMJX-FM.  You couldn't possibly take
> any PRIDE in that dreck!  I bought a new car a few months ago and the
> dealership was pumping 106.7 swill into the showroom so I've had
> recent (unfortunate) exposure to the outlet.  Sometime midsummer 2002 the
> wine dept. at a nearby NH State liquor store also did the same thing.
> You must be INTENTIONALLY trying to broadcast bland, forgettable pap,
> very similar to the junque channels 2,11 and 44 are sending out
> during their current fund-raisers!  I think you were recently
> quoted in a newspaper or another website praising Josh Glowworm...he's
> apparently the darling of the PBS poo-bahs.  Bad news...he couldn't
> pass an audition of a good amateur chorus in Boston (Cantata
> Singers; Tanglewood
> Festival Chorus...maybe he could sneak into the Masterworks Chorale).
> If he's representative of the "quality" sound emanating from WMJX,
> you'll just have to do better!
> _____________________________________________________________
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