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Fox News Live with Alan Colmes

WRKO added the Alan Colmes show via Fox last night
(official name of the show is Fox News Live with Alan
Colmes). Not too bad--fast paced, lots of interviews
and some call-in segments, mostly dealing with the war

I found myself agreeing with at least one of his
stands, namely the ill-advised "human shields" who
went to Iraq in the hope of stopping the war.
When these peace activists were informed that they
couldn't stay in a hospital (in the hopes of
preventing bombing)--no, they have to stay near oil
wells instead-- many of them decided to flee the
country, fearing it's dangerous. Colmes felt that they
were morons and were giving the anti-war
folks a bad name.

He did talk to a certain former Cincinnatti mayor
who's running for governor of Ohio, some guy named
Jerry Springer. Yup-- JERRY! JERRY! JERRY! He spoke
of how he'll have to distance himself from his TV talk
show image.

Alan also talked with Michelle Malkin, and with Fox's
Geraldo Reviera and legal expert Andrew Napolitano.
His show is being presented as "Fair and
Balanced". Certainly Alan has his own opinions, but it
sounds like he's also encouraging different points of
view from guests and callers.

His "Radio Graffiti" feature was back at the end of
the show; many callers weren't quite ready when he
pushed their button, and a few didn't quite grasp
the "one sentence, one sentence only" rule. Two Radio
Graffiti callers, evidently from our area, said,
"Bring Back the Pit" (VB's show).

With war possible and maybe even probable, Colmes show
can come in handy for 'RKO...though I do miss "the
Pit". (OK everyone--would you want 'RKO
to dump Michael Savage for VB, from 7 to 10 pm? I would.)