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Re: Boston Herald Online Goes Pay-Per-View

On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, Smyth, Sean wrote:

> I would be surprised if they got 100 subscriptions. You 

I'd be surprised if they get ONE.

Papers make 75 percent of their money through advertising. I read the 
papers online...and do as much as possible to avoid the annoying pop-ups.

Considering the quality of today's newspapers...spending 25 to 75 cents is 
a waste.  The ultra-bloated Sunday Times (New York) costs $3.00!!!!! And 
most of it is just fluff....and advertising circulars.   The only paper I 
sometimes buy is the thin New York Sun (a 25 cent daily paper - mostly 
conservative, but still seems like a gentleman's paper).

> they're in deep financial doo over there (paying $150 mil 
> for CNC will do that to ya).

What's CNC?

And what's with that awful new front page?  I saw it for the first time 
two weeks ago while in Boston.  It looks like some amateur USA Today.  

The Herald did look a tad classy with its old red-trimmed front page with 
the paperboy running with the bundle of papers.
