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Re: Is 38 blacked out up north?

> >  What is strange about the UPN situation
> > here is that we have a local affilate of UPN
> (WCKD)
> > yet the cable company still has 38 on the system,
> > exactly one channel up!  UPN network programming
> is
> > not blacked out, so we have the exact same
> programs on
> > two consecutive channels (10 and 11) every night.
> Isn't there a rule requiring a black out?  Or is
> that only if the local
> station asks?
I think the station has to request it, im guessing
that the people over at WVII/WCKD must be too stupid
to realize it, because other shows on UPN38 are
blacked out, like Fraser and Seinfield, that are
carried locally by WLBZ.  I know that whenever I watch
something on UPN (which is almost never, I tried to
watch the Twilight Zone, but couldn't get into it) I
always watch it on UPN38, since they come in clearer
than our local affilate WCKD, and they don't screw up
as much and cover network programming with local
commericals they forgot to run during the local

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