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Re: Re:WRKO adds Colmes; moves VB's show

On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 13:59:58 -0800 (PST) Bob Nelson
<raccoonradio@yahoo.com> writes:
> Those who wish MSNBC cancels the show before it even
> airs would be like someone walking up to the man
> in that town hall before he speaks and saying,
> "I'm sorry, but we won't allow you to speak.
> We don't think we'll like what you have to say."
> Of course, the "town hall" is a public forum and
> MSNBC if a private corporation (GE, MicroSoft, NBC,
> etc.) They have the right to air Savage, or not.
> If they feel people will be offended they can indeed
> bow to the pressure.

Didn't I read very recently that one of the networks (which one escapes
me at the moment) refused to take advertising from an anti-war group that
wanted to run an adjacency to the State of the Union address?  IIRC the
reason given was the network execs didn't think it would be
appropriate....I guess free speech is not appropriate when it is an
opposing point of view even when you have to pay for it.   
I have heard bits and pieces of Savage and I choose not to help his
ratings, much as I choose to ignore other talk show hosts that I consider
hate mongers but they have the right to be there and do what they do, my
hope is that eventually listeners will see through them and they will