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Re: Lowry Mays speaks

Switching the topic slightly...  From what i have
found(listening and experiencing first hand) the main
thing is trying to get the jocks to do a "coherent"
break with a definate beginning and end.  Too often it
is station name, backsell, their name,(not too bad so
far), more about the last song, Wx, still more about
the last song, their name and station name again,
followed by "we've got **** coming right up in just a
couple, and then playing the song that they said was
"coming up in a few".  Other than that, I always
enjoyed listening to the mostly commercial free alt
rock on WHSN, Bangor.  WUPI in Presque Isle Maine does
a pretty good job when they are online, and the orono
station(WMEB???) does a fantastic job.

> Agreed.  All you gotta do is listen to college radio
> these days to hear 
> just how awful local radio *can* be.   Don't get me
> wrong, college radio 

Magic 104
North Conway, NH
V: (603)356-8870
F: (603)356-8875

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