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Re: Nightclub fire

I haven't been able to read the greater numbers of posts on the subject, so
apologies if I rehash something that's already been covered.

It's very difficult to believe that pyrotechnics would be used in (as one
report stated) a wood building, with low ceilings, no sprinklers, etc.,
etc., etc. Where is the common sense that people were supposedly born with?
I say again - ad nauseum - that with only a high school education, the first
five seconds looking at the building told me this was not a good place to do
that kind of thing. Yes, I had some years as a member of a volunteer fire
company and more as an EMT but my formal firefighting training in pretty
slim, having stayed on the ambulance side. Now if it's that obvious to me,
how much more evident does it need to be?

The only positive comment I can make is that from here in Maryland, the
cable channels did a good job covering the story. The networks, due to time
restraints, etc., didn't offer as much but did a creditable job.

Makes me wonder if anyone studies history. Can it be that events like the
Cocoanut Grove, Hartford Circus Fire and other such disasters have been
relegated to the file cabinet marked "Yeah, but that was then and this is
NOW" ?
