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Re: Concert Disaster In Rhode Island

Dateline had the same clip of the asbury park owner...

They also interview the lead singer for Great
White(Jack Russell???) about pyrotechnics.  He said
that they generally ask the club owners(apparently not
at asbury park, tho) if it's ok.  He said something
like, "If theys ay no... It's ok.  We aren't like Kiss
or anything..."  Nice to know that even his sound tech
and a band member are missing he can still attempt to
crack a joke.

> As a follow up, I was just watching ch 7 and they
> had a reporter in NJ
> where the band played last week and the club owner
> of The Stone Pony said
> the band used pyrtotechnics there as well without
> ever telling anyone at
> the club and produced the contract that outlined
> what was to be included
> in the performance.... just FYI
> df

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