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RE: Concert Disaster In Rhode Island

Bill O'Neill <billo@shoreham.net> wrote:
> What a horrible thing.  Is Boston TV wall to wall 
> or are they cutting in on it?

Watching up here on PEI.  Channel 7 had intense coverage at around 10:00 (11:00 Atlantic Time).  I thought the female anchor (Francis????) was the epitome of awfulness.   They were talking (by phone) with an AP reporter who used to live near there when it was an Italian Restaurant.  Apparently he did a story for the wires and 7 picked it up.  It was obviously a painful experience for him (possibly friends died in the fire) and Francis just grilled him unmercifully trying to find out "how painful" it was for him.  She just wouldnt let go as she re-iterated parts of his story and asked very mean-spirited questions about how awful it made hime feel.  That's not news, that's just plain explotation.  7's on the bottom of my list.

Roger Kirk