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RE: Rimshot IDs

<<On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 04:14:05 -0500, "elipolo@earthlink.net" <elipolo@earthlink.net> said:

> Those have all been redone since you were there, to add: "...and on the 
> web at w-b-u-r dot o-r-g".

I think I've heard those overnight breaks enough now that I could
almost do them myself.  I *know* I could do this part:

``From Boston University, this is 90 point 9 WBUR-FM Boston, and 12-40
WBUR AM [sic] West Yarmouth, also broadcasting on 91 point 5, WSDH
Sandwich, and 90 point 3 WCCT Harwich.  WBUR, Boston, Cape Cod and the
Islands, and on the Web at WBUR dot O-R-G.  It's 1 AM.''
