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Re: WFXT's CC: "17" = "XENADRINE"!

Whoops!  Sorry about the long lines (I'm an ATTBI-er, so I'm using
the Mail.Com webpage form for now).  P=(

> While on-hold--calling-in to work the other night--I had Fox-25
> News on, with MUTE and CLOSED CAPTIONING on.
> During this time, I noted the (I presume automated) CC
> interpreter--for whatever reason--*ALWAYS* (not just the occasional
> glitch) translated "17" to "xenadrine" (I must admit, there IS a
> bit of a vocal similarity P=).
> I don't know if it is coincidence or not, but one of the stories
> was about the baseball player who died, apparently using a diet
> supplement:  One of the bottles they showed was "Xenadrine"!
> I checked again this morning (the rebroadcast) and the story about
> the 17-year-old's organ mixup was quoted as "the xenadrine year-old".
> Yet, another story mentioned something "17th" which was quoted
> properly (AND there was a spurious "17" glitch in some other
> story--so the interpreter DOES recognize "17").
> Relatedly, during their story about driving school shenanigans, "6"
> was interchangably quoted as either "6" or, more commonly, "six".


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