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Re: WBZ-AM Living In The Past

At 07:59 PM 11/10/2002, Paul Anderson wrote:
>A week ago Friday, WBZ ran the afternoon stock report.  The whole thing 
>ran, and I didn't think it sounded right, because the market was up that 
>day but the report told of a down market.  The announcer apologized a few 
>minutes later, as the report was from the day before.
>It seems to me WBZ makes too many of such goofs for "America's most 
>powerful news organization".

I know I'm at least a little biased since A: I used to work there, B: I 
have friends who currently work there, and C: I'm pretty liberal...but it 
always amazes me that people think WBZ is such a better news source than 
WBUR.    I mean, I ask relatively random people about it, and they tell me 
WBZ gives them the facts, plain and simple, but WBUR/NPR is full of 
wishy-washy crap.

I listen to WBZ sometimes, and during every single newscast it's a guessing 
game whether the story is a real news story or another goddamn commercial 
that's trying to sneak past my bullshit filter.  I hear news reports that 
tell me absolutely nothing about what actually happened (no lie, during the 
last budget bruhaha I heard a "report" that said the Legislature had passed 
a budget, ran a clip of Swift saying she would veto some of it, and that 
was the story.   No mention of even what the budget's total was....jeezzz....)

And, of course, guaranteed 20 minutes of commercials every hour.  Yuck.

Despite the layoffs (and don't get me started about the management) at 
WBUR, there's still a helluva lot more news staffers at WBUR than WBZ, and 
to my ears it really shows in the accuracy and relevancy of the reporting.

Seriously...I know I'm only 26...am I just too young, or am I actually 
missing something here?

Aaron "Bishop" Read       aread@speakeasy.net
Fried Bagels Consulting   www.friedbagels.com
AOL-IM: ReadAaron         Brighton, MA 02135