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Re: Political ads with phone numbers

On 3 Nov 2002 at 21:19, Roger Kirk wrote:

> If I had a dime for every time George Dubya Bush, his Mother Barbara and
> Jeanne Shaheen have called my home phone number since last Wednesday, I
> could buy an election. <g>

I got one from Bill Clinton on behalf of Shannon O'Brien.

But those things can backfire.  A candidate for Norfolk County Register of Probate called me 
on Yom Kippur with a recorded call.  It offended me so much that I voted for his opponent.  
He won the primary anyway, but when I saw him at the Brookline Democratic Town 
Committee's party, I told him how I felt.  He was apologetic and said that the company in 
California that does those calls was specifically instructed not to call Brookline, Sharon, and 
a couple of other heavily Jewish areas in the county, but they did anyway.  His vote in 
Brookline was considerably lower than the rest of the county, and he assumed that was the 

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                           617.367.0468
 15 Court Square, Suite 210                 lawyer@attorneyross.com
Boston, MA 02108-2503           	         http://www.attorneyross.com