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Re: Top 25 personalites of network radio...

I assumed that it didn't mean that they had
personality and was just that they were radio people,
but some of jocks they profiled are not much more than
glorified "liner jocks".  This si the first time I
have had a chance to really get into an issue of Radio
Ink....  It almost seems as tho it is a 30 page long
advertisement for Premier Networks.  But, then again,
loads of cash equals loads of ads.

--- SteveOrdinetz <steveord@bit-net.com> wrote:
>   Cooper Fox wrote:
> >I was just reading through the Aug 5th issue of
> Radio
> >Inc.  They have their list of the top 25 network
> >personalities and it seems that they have some
> >slightly off the wall choices as top personalities.
> >They do have all the radio "stars" like Limbaugh,
> >Stern, Kasem, Dees, etc...  But then they have
> people
> >like Carson "Bland" Daly who has a lack of
> >personality.  Also included was Lia.  Grabted she
> does
> >have a very well engineered show, but I would
> hardly
> >call her a personality.  What's the deal with that?
> My guess was that by "personalities" they just meant
> people who host 
> network radio shows, and not necessarily a
> reflection of the amount of 
> personality said host possesses.  Did the article
> say how the list was compiled?

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