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Re: click and clack

On Wed, 26 Jun 2002 14:46:51 -0400 "Aaron [Bishop] Read"
<aread@speakeasy.net> writes:
> Tell Peter Lydotes you think unions aren't all that bad an idea.
> Wait two weeks.
> Receive pink slip.   :-)

Anyone dumb enough to talk union with a member of management deserves to
be pink slipped ;-)
> Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't you only recently been doing 
> more daytime shifts?  

I've been doing Mon & Tue Ted O'Brien shifts, that will last through at
least the end of July,  as for not being noticed, funny, my name appeared
for the month of May on that little list at the end of the corridor to
the event room.  

>If you're on the night side Jane doesn't even know 
> you  exist, and that's the safest place to be.   

Since the creation of "OnPoint/Special Coverage" that has not been true, 
a lot of value is placed on that program and I think it's done very well.

>Either way, consider  yourself  lucky or blessed if you haven't gotten
the golden shaft >yet...I saw  it  happen to lots of people during my
three years there, often for 
> reasons no  one could fathom.

Unfortunately in most cases (read all stations without a collective
bargaining agreement that states just cause) management doesn't need a
reason to cut anyone loose,  that's the nature of the biz, you know that
going in so you deal with it.