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RE: Swift won't run; stations expand coverage

On 21 Mar 2002 at 2:05, Hakim Madjid wrote:

>  Swift is out. Mitt is running. Just as long as Mitt doesn't declare
> himself brainwashed... 

Wow!  I bet at least half the list doesn't know what this refers to.

In early 1968, Mitt's father, Governor George Romney of Michigan, was the frontrunner for the 
Republican nomination for President.  He went to Vietnam on a "fact-finding mission," as 
many Presidential candidates did that year.  When he came back, he made a speech in 
which he sounded far more hawkish than he had been before.  Later, he retreated from that 
position, saying that the generals in 'Nam had "brainwashed" him.  That made him the butt of 
jokes and seriously hurt his credibility.  He tried to back-pedal and said they misled him, but 
whatever he said just got him in deeper.  

One joke about him was that he was going to install a second bathtub in the White House -- 
one for him and one for his brain.  House Speaker John McCormick said, "He thinks Viet 
Cong is something you order in a Chinese restaurant."

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                           617.367.0468
 15 Court Square, Suite 210                 lawyer@attorneyross.com
Boston, MA 02108-2503           	         http://www.attorneyross.com