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Re: Telemarketing on Sunday

Roy asked:
> Last time I checked, it was illegal for telemarking
> calls to be placed in the State of Maine on a Sunday.
> Does anyone else know anything about this? Thanks in
> advance.<<


  telemarketers, bill collectors, pollsters, et al: so 
long as a call is placed between 7am and 9pm, there's no 
law against it in Maine, or so i was told.
  jaw hit the floor after a 7:02am Sunday call a few 
years back from the not-so-nice people at the store 
formerly known as "world's largest."  my Monday call to 
the state's A.G. office confirmed the hours and said 
that (paraphrase) although it's not good customer 
relations, it's their choice to do so.

- -Chuck Igo