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Re: Slow Speed radio recording like a VCR, etc.
<<On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 19:48:08 -0500, SteveOrdinetz <steveord@bit-net.com> said:
> While I've never experienced it myself, I've heard of compatability issues
> with Hi-fi VHS recorders when used strictly for audio. Something about odd
> artifacts due to an inability to sync properly...any one had any experience
> with this?
The motors driving the helical-scan heads are supposed to be locked to
the incoming video sync. If there is none, some older VCRs will be
unable to record helical-scan audio. Other VCRs will simply generate
their own internal sync signals (using the same hardware that gives
you the blue screen when nothing is plugged in). I usually lay down a
video track anyway, just to make sure.