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RE: ratings

-----Original Message-----
Cooper Fox Writes:

>that makes sense...  I kinda figured it was something
>liek that but wasn't sure...

--- Bill O'Neill <billo@shoreham.net> wrote:
> Cooper writes:
> > Not trying to sound like a jerk but why do ratings
> > really matter for non-comms?  Bragging rights?
> Just a
> > thought
> There's big revenue flow at WBUR.  It's all pumped
> back into the
> operation/University, but the better the numbers,
> the more they can
> garner from "underwriting."
> Bill O'Neill

Yea let's face facts, the big public radio stations, such as WGBH and WBUR
do care about ratings these days just as much as commercial stations. As you
point out, Bill, it's the better to bring in 'underwriting' dollars. I sort
of watch in horror year by year as public radio increasingly starts to
resemble standard commercial radio. Notice how even the underwriting spots
on 'BUR for instance increasingly resemble normal advertising you might hear
say on 'BZ or 'RKO or whatever.

A few years ago there were noises from the FCC and Congress about
investagting these public radio underwriting practices - whatever became of

73, de Hakim (N1ZFF)