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Re: no bleep, General

> mentions another case where TV let harsh language go out over the
> air unfiltered.

Apparently, terrorists just went through airport security, unfiltered.
Our country just may have lost 10,000 innocent civilians in a insane attack.
The langage used to describe this essentially incomprehensible, history making
tragedy is inconsequential. I'm curious what the point you're trying to make is.

>    A glowering former Gen. Norman Schwartzkopf told Katie Couric that
>    his feelings were ``a combination of deep sorrow and deep rage.''
>    NBC didn't bother bleeping his language when he called the attackers
>    ``b-----ds.''     [censored]

Bastards. [uncensored, by me]. Get hip, man. 10,000 people might have just
died. CBS broadcast tape, -repeatedly-, that used the 'f' word. That's life.
Like dying. Which many just did. Our country is at a crossroads; if this
is the extent of your concern, I'm astonished.

I have heard otherwise reserved, polite people break down in utter despair
and anger and use extreme language as a result of this atrocity. If
American broadcasting should reflect the standards of the American people,
I find this kind of language completely acceptable.
