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Re: Acting or not?

I was under the impression, at first, that Ms. Swift
became the "governor" as soon as Mr. Cellucci
"Acting" would have been if she had stepped in due
to the governor's death, incapacitation, or being
out of state; but since Cellucci had left his post
for good, I was all ready to call her "Gov. Swift".

However, the Globe (and I think the Herald, too)
pointed out that technically she is the Acting
Governor until she is elected outright to that post.
In addition, New England Cable News (during their
coverage of the "tranfer of power") said that
according to the state constitution, she is officially
"the Lt. Governor acting as the Governor" (and there
is no Lt. Governor to Ms. Swift; Sec. of the
Commonwealth, Bill Galvin, in next in succession but
he doesn't become Lt. Governor).

Confused yet? I would imagine that the press would
refer to her in the third person as "Acting Gov.
Swift" but if you or I were to address her, we would
say, "Governor..."

By the way there are indeed Mass. Highway (formerly
Mass. DPW) signs which say "Governor Jane Swift"
(I pass by one in Lynnfield on Rt. 128 everyday).

--- Richard Chonak <rac@gabriel.cambridge.ma.us>
> Are the newsreaders right who refer to Ms. Swift as
> the 'acting governor' 
> of Massachusetts rather than as the 'governor'?   

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