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Re: Boston radio now-- or rather, Clear Channel radio now

     The Telecomm Bill of 1996 was designed to
"promote competition and diversification on the
market".  We got competition alright, but among 4
broadcast companies and no one else.  As for
diversification in the market, you answer that.  As a
result, we have a radio dial that stinks of "vanilla".
 Everything is "tested" for your satisfaction.  Sorry,
I am not satisfied.  Thank God there are "the few, the
proud" (and I don't mean the Marines), like Bob
Bittner to who stand up for what they feel is right
(or in the case of the Telecomm Bill....just plain
     Oh, also by the way.... instead of my cable bill
going down, it has almost doubled since 1996...and I
have NOT added ANY premium channels since that time. 
So much for saving me money.

-Pete (K1XRB) 
--- Larry Weil <kc1ih@yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- Donna Halper <dlh@donnahalper.com> wrote:
> > Yeah, except (Dan Billings, please don't hate me)
> > this was largely pushed 
> > by the Republican congress, who have received
> > MILLIONS in donations and 
> > contributions from the NAB and various companies
> > like Clear Channel.  Clinton signed it because
> >congress had enough votes to over-ride 
> > his veto. 
> Also, remember that there was a lot of pressure put
> on by those who tried to present this as a consumer
> friendly bill, in that it supposedly would solve a
> number of consumer issues related to cable TV.  This
> is how they (whoever is they?) generated citizen
> calls and letters in support of the bill.
> =====
> Larry Weil
> Lake Wobegone, NH
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Peter Q. George (K1XRB)
Whitman, Massachusetts
                           "Scanning the bands since 1967"

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