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Re: Le Broadcast d'Expos en anglaise? C'est possible. Plus, Union Fees?

On Sat, 14 Apr 2001 06:37:14 EDT Chuckigo@aol.com writes:
>    And a quick question about union talent fees to any 
> AFTRA member who has ridden the consolodation wave:
> How did consolodation affect the payment of talent fees 
> for work that wound up on another station in the newly-
> formed group?  

It still depends on what the contract states.  I know at WODS
consolidation occured DURING the contact talks so it was a big issue. 
The way it was left is it counts as In-house if it airs on stations in
the building (SFR) but if it leaves the building, even for another
CBS/Westinghouse/Infinity/ARS whatever they are this week, station the
AFTRA fee kicks in.  But it all depends on what the individual contract

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