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Re: WEEI gets a ton of publicity

no but in fairness the column should have probably been written by someone
who was not involved with either the sports department at the Globe or

On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, Donna Halper wrote:

> At 09:43 PM 3/28/2001 -0500, you wrote:
> >Well Eileen is on shaky ground here as there is a conflict of interest.
> >Her husband (Peter May) is a sportswriter for the Globe and is affected by
> >the ban.
> Umm, I know that's the Globe's spin, but I think it's a bit disingenuous. 
> In our industry, lots of us are married to people who work in the same 
> business (or even at the same newspaper or radio/TV station).  SO does that 
> mean we lose our right to comment on a situation?  As I understand 
> journalism ethics, you just issue a disclaimer (which she says she did in 
> her article) and proceed.  Just because Eileen has a husband does that mean 
> she isn't permitted to have opinions about his occupation (or about her 
> own)?  She is a columnist.  She writes opinion pieces.  She is good at it-- 
> she won a Pulitzer Prize, in fact.  In this case, she wrote about WEEI and 
> about the Globe sportswriters, some of whom appear on radio shows every bit 
> as offensive as the ones on WEEI.  Would the column have been spiked if she 
> had agreed with the Globe's decision?  Call me cynical, but I doubt it.