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NPR Station "For Sale?"

For some reason, the NYRTV link on fybush.com wasn't
working, so I used DCRTV to get to it.  I noticed that
WJHU-FM in Baltimore (88.1 10KW Dir Ant) is for sale
because Johns (the extra 's' is for savings?) Hopkins
U. had lost interest in operating it.  The dogma
in Public Radio circles has long been that NPR,
PRI and MN PR news via satellite plus non-stop
babble was the key to public radio riches.  Now I 
know that the Balt/Wash corridor is replete with 
non-coms,  but this is no 10-watt fleapower.  The
DCRTV story had a link to the Baltimore Sun story
concerning the possible sale.  JHU had sunk considerable
dineros into upgrading the facility, but got very little
back presumambly in the form of donations.  Maybe 
there's a lesson here for the now thawing-out denizens
of the upcountry!

Laurence Glavin
Methuen (upcountry enough for me)  MA

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