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Re: ABC's Tim O'Donnell Final Sign Off

> R&R reports this morning that ABC Radio newsanchor/reporter Tim
> O'Donnell died yesterday after having a heart attack on Dec. 5:
>      ~Kaimbridge~

R.I.P.  O'Donnell has been a staple of the ABC radio team for years.
(Direction host and other duties.) What was Tim's background before
the net?  I heard of his passing on Imus this AM.  Chuck McCord said
that he was a close, personal friend.  Interesting that Imus said that
although he didn't know O'Donnell, he said that "If he was a friend of
Chuck, he was a friend of mine."

Brings me to the question of just how far back do the two (Don &
Chuck) go?  The stark contrasts in their personalities and demeanors
are very clear.  Gotta wonder if McCord's saved Imus over the years,
in more ways than one.

Also, the other day, Imus described Alan Colmes (Hannity & Colmes as
well as the last voice to b'cast over WNBC before the flip) in very
uncharacteristically glowing terms.  Although I like Colmes (less for
his politics more for his skills) a fan in Imus doesn't quite fit.

Bill O'Neill