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Re: WAAF Jocks In Trouble

>See what Congress hath sown with the total lack of local control of radio
>and television stations.  That station deserves have it's management and
>those two idiots sent to that woman S&M practitioner.

<*user scratches head*>  I don't quite understand the connection here.
There was nothing "illegal" about the stunt, under current or former
FCC rules and Congressional mandates.  Tasteless, yes.  Inconsiderate
of much of their audience, yes.  But neither taste nor consideration
of one's audience has ever been mandated by law.

I also wouldn't jump to the conclusion that this was a management-sanctioned
stunt.  One thing that would be most telling would be knowing where these
turkeys grew up.  In other parts of the country, where there isn't such
a large Catholic population as there is here, this bit wouldn't have gained
anywhere near as much attention.  If these guys are local, then I agree,
this was a transparent attention grab.  But if they're from someplace where
there are few Catholics, then it's possible they were just unaware of their
audience (or, at the least, unaware of just how serious the secrecy of
confession is to Catholics).

-Shawn Mamros (who was raised RC, so I do know...)
E-mail to: mamros@mit.edu