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Yo, Aircheck Collectors! Any help out here for a good cause?

I got the following note from Candy Oteri at WMJX in regards to Tom Bergeron 
and any old tape stuff....
Candy wrote:  
<<....the Boston A.I.R. awards and Tom Bergeron is our host this year. As you 
know, Tom was our Morning Man in 1994-95, and we have plenty of sound from 
his year at Magic...however, I'd like to get some early sound of Tom...on 
WHEB, WBZ, can you help me?...  need sound ASAP on cassette, CD, dat, 
reel-to-reel, and PROMISE to return all sound like a good radio girl should.  
Awards are November 2...>>

   for those on the list unfamiliar with the AIR awards, they're annual radio 
get-together to recognize excellence in radio, all for the benefit of the 
March of Dimes. (entry fees and such go to the charity).  AIR stands for 
Acheivement In Radio.
    i'm not sure as to what material might still survive from the WHEB days.. 
anyone in the Portsmouth area know if there is any sort of archived stuff 
from "The Star Station" days (late 70's...).  i listened to Tom when he did 
evenings on WHEB on my treks home to Arlington from Brunswick NAS and back.  
one bit in particular, which i wish i had on tape, was when some town in Ohio 
passed a law requiring all residents to own a gun.  it was close to midnight 
as he pondered calling the mayor to talk about it, then suggested that the 
lateness of the hour would make such a call "rude".  (slight pause here)  
"..well, the law itself is rude, so what the heck..." dialing of phone and 
conversation ensued.
    as far as stuff from WBZ goes, my tenure there was just after he 
relinquished his regular airshift and did the occasional fill-ins for 
Maynard.  anyone at Soldiers Field Road know if there are any aircheck reels 
floating around?  (Ric Duarte... if you read this, i know YOU could find 

please feel free to respond to me directly if you think you might have 
something that you could either drop onto a cassette or lend us for 

- -Chuck Igo (WROR)
or reach me overnights at WROR  1 800 468 1057
    or Saturday mornings (5a-10a)  same number.